November 10, 2007


Sometimes, I feel really confused living in Canada because of the different culture. I had lived in my country for a long time; I had used the culture of my country. When people say something or do something, I know what their meaning is; I also can get well with each others. However, after I live in Calgary, I have to face a new culture, new people, and adapt a new life style. I think I still can’t understand the Canadian culture well. One of my friends told me that Canadians like to express their idea directly. But people also say that the Canadians are connotative, how they show their connotation? I don’t know~~. For example, if my friend said to me that I can use his bread for breakfast, can I do it? Dose he just wants to show his friendly by saying this? Or really welcome me using his bread? If I eat them all, would my Canadian friend like it? Most of time, I face a lot of questions, and I don’t know how to do usually. I also don’t know how to keep the relationship with my new friend, because I don’t understand the culture well. Can time and experience help me?


Helen said...

We need to adapt to this situation.
It is hard for us, but it is not impossible for us. Come on, Sum.
I suggest you eat all his bread. lol:)

hjm.huang said...

The longer you have stayed here, the better you can adjust to it.

Canadians speak directly when they like, they also express very friendly if the situation is allowed.

In a word,neglect their offensive words and do not be serious to their friendly invitations, as they might forget right their promisses right after they have said.